HP Survey Invite 2016

Western Section AUA Health Policy Survey

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Dear Western Section Member,

We appreciate you spending 10 minutes reflecting on the socioeconomic status of your urologic practice. Every 2 years, the WSAUA has published your collective opinions to be heard in a way that offers relevance for your practice today and in the future. By completing this survey, you contribute greatly to guiding health policy directives for future WSAUA meetings. This survey has helped the WSAUA Health Policy Meeting become one of the most prominent programs for any AUA sectional annual meeting.

As a thank you for your time and effort, we are pleased to offer a choice of rewards for taking the survey:

  • Receive a $25 Starbucks gift card;
  • Entry into 2 drawings for chance to win free meeting
    registration (or $500 cash);
  • A $50 donation to the WSAUA Residents Scholarship
    Fund in your name.

Just give us 10 minutes – Deadline: September 2

The results will be shared at the meeting and sent via email. All response data is kept anonymous



Jeff Frankel, MD, Chair
Eugene Rhee, MD, MBA Vice Chair